This gallery is very important for my outcome. If I did not found this gallery I might have no idea about my outcome. When I doing my research in the gallery, in the meantime I was thinking the outcome for my project. So when I collating the photos about this gallery.I looked at the photos, then I thought I can make a animation story like The night of museum, the trigger use the clock.So I made a animation about this.
The place I choose is the British Museum. It is one of the very famous museum in the world. The other reason I choose this place is I really like to visit museum. I got to that place 3 times. I take lots of photos, then I found my favorite things in the museum. The clocks in British museum is very interesting. It definitely can be the art works. So I take the photos of all clocks of this gallery. So when I decide to do the animation I choose the trigger of my animation. And choose the British museum to be the stage of the story happened.
I went to this galley is in 19 November. Their are many kinds of art works. First, my friend and I visited a exhibit in the gallery called Trevor Paglen. From ‘Apple’ to ‘Anomaly’. About this exhibit, their have tens of thousands photos stick on the whole wall. I think it is a exhibit about the entirety to the individual. Because in the first part, most is about some things in nature, in the final part most photo is about someone or the psychology about someone, even some private things. No wonder this exhibit not allow for take photos.
This exhibit do not allow take photos, except introduce.My favorite work of the other exhibit
I made 3 storyboard for my animation with 3 different style. One is whole video use the animation, the second is use the videos I take about the British museum. The final style is combine the video and the animation. I choose the final idea. Because the style is a creative idea, and it is more easy to made in of limited time.
A master watchmaker George Daniels said that”Watchmaking has always been an art, and the mechanical watch is not obsolete”(Clerhael, 2013). Most people agree that. Because when They walk in the gallery of clocks, the delicate and beautiful clocks and watches shocked me. It could be agree that those clocks and watches are the great art works in the world.
Compare with the other galleries in British museum, the clocks and watch gallery is a little small. It is argue that, it is one of the most interesting gallery in British museum. It will spend you the whole afternoon to this gallery, you can take photos for all of the clocks and watches. It can be argue that when you visited the gallery you might feel exciting and happy, I never have this feeling when I visited other exhibition. It maybe you first time find something you really interesting in a gallery.
There are two special clocks you might be interested. One of clock is the Monument Carillon clock, made in 1589, by Isaac Habrecht., Strasbourg. It’s a beautiful mechanical clock and it still works. It have 400 years history. I really like the design of the clock, and the bells voice is really clear and melodious.
The second one is the rolling ball clock, about 1820, design by Sir William Congreve, made by Santiago James Moore French, London. It is a very interesting clock, it use the rolling ball to keep track of time, although the ornamental is more than usefulness.
Monument Carillon clock Rolling Ball clock
Clerizo, Michael. (2013), George Daniels: A Master Watchmaker & His Art. London: Thames & Hudson
The day before the yesterday, my classmates and I came to a installation called ‘The Store X The Vinyl Factory’. It is a interesting exhibition, but I do not understand what are the artists want to told us. The dark room with some light, I really do not understand. I feel confuted and puzzled. Until I see the annotation, I understand…a little bit? Until now I still confute about it.
My out come is a animation. I take a video and use tracing papers to draw it. I also add some frames drawing on my computer. It is my first animation made for myself, so it still have some problems. The time when I decide the out come use the animation is too late, so I do not have much time to made it,or it will be better. I hope next time I can decide quickly and made it batter and more smooth. Also this animation is not very fun, it is a little boring, I hop next time I can add something fun in my project. But it still have some good things of the out come. It can perfect connect of my idea, because it is simple and easy to understand(I hope so). before that I am afraid about the outcome can not show the idea.
The primary research of my project is get me a little confused. Because is my first time do some kind of research like this. Luckily, combine the secondary research and the help of Lucy, I find the subject of my project. It is about the electricity cars can protect the environment.
The difficult part of me is about researching of the information of the contact of electricity cars and environment. Lot of people say electricity cars good at the environment. And also some people say the way of create electricity have lots pollution so electricity cars can not protect the environment. But I need found some essays and articles can informed my idea.
Finally, I found something can informed my idea. The article say people can use some low-carbon way to charge their electricity cars in their home. So it can informed my idea.
some secondary researchThe process of projectsome ideas of project
The way of teaching of the workshop is interesting, It is a different way of teaching, and I learn about a new way of searching and studying. The academic English is helpful, It help me of my English a lot. I enjoy of the animation, it is quite fun. The screen printing will be helpful for my project i the future. So I plan to revisit it of one of my project which it can help me.
Before my class began, I went to the British museum. It is on the Great Stamford Raffles street. That was my first time to visit this museum. When I seen the outside of the museum, I feel it is a huge and impressive building. Up the stairs and get in to the museum, it is lager than what I think.
The British Museum
Before I visit the museum, I just know it is one of the famous museum in the world. And have lots of famous cultural relic in the world. It is have, more than I think. It is a veritable storehouse of treasure and knowledge.My parents and I even did not visit all the showroom in that day. Fortunately, the British museum do not need ticket.
When I was visiting the museum. I visited the part of Egypt first. there is a stone named Rosetta Stone, which helped scholars and researcher to decode the meaning of the characters of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs. Not only the stone, all of the cultural can be use by research about the history of human. So when I visited all of this treasures, I think it is important to protect them without damage.
The Rosetta Stone
After the show room of the Egypt. We also meeting the showroom of Greece, India and other theme exhibition. All of the works are amazing and great. The treasures give us the knowledge of the human history. It is important for us.
I think it is important to visit exhibitions. Just stay in home and search on the internet is different of getting out and visit exhibitions. The information from internet might be fake and that is not you own idea. Visit exhibitions can help us to think our own idea, learning something or feel something for our own. And see the exhibits in real life can have some feeling which is different for the intrenet.