The final product I envision for FMP is a collection of art settings. Right now, there are two pre-selected themes, one is a fictional character in an organization that resembles customs between realms and parallel universes and is made up of people from different countries and cultures working together. The other is a fictional character in an administrative and security organization in a dead world in a modern setting and technology, with a predominantly East Asian culture. After considering my time and personal energy, I chose the second topic. To complete my FMP, I needed to research various cultures, especially Chinese and Japanese. By doing this project, I also want people who read my FMP to realize that Chinese and Japanese cultures are not the same, as there is often confusion between the two. During the research process, if the scope is too big, I won’t be able to finish my work on time. Since I am a game art student and I am good at designing characters. Therefore, I decided to use more pictures for my references and focus on the clothing styles of the cultures. At the same time, I also limited my scope to the visual effects of the costumes. Although this is a fantasy work, I still want to have some real elements in it, so I will look for real historical costumes as references, and extract the above elements according to the character’s identity and personality to add them to my character design.
Why did I choose this theme?
The lost building or ruins are interesting type for buildings. As the subject for 3D modeling. It is good for a beginner like me. It is a popular subject. So, there would be lots of people have made the models about this already. That’s means I can find numerous of references to learn and study. Another reason I choose this subject is that I like this theme, I like old buildings. Ancient buildings, lost ruins, I like all of them. I also like some incomplete buildings as same as the Venus de Milo. Imaging the building when it still complete is interesting. Different people have different image for this building back when it was not incomplete.
But some kinds of building might have an important significance. We must remember some stories behind the buildings. Such as why it became a ruin, or the maker for this building might have some special story. This is another reason why I like this subject and choose it.
Research and Reference

I made a mood board on Pinterest. I will attach the link below. With more and more research. The feeling from the ruins is interesting. It is mystical and impressive. So, I choose the lost portal/archway.
Value environment art
Last week I finished the value environment art with color.

mood board and reference images
Software: PureRef
Game Arts value environment arts
Thumbnails and Refined Concept
I put them in the padlet because blog have some problem, it cannot upload image.
“Inspiration” images
Most of images is form animation movie ‘soul’ and animate ‘Non Non Biyori’. Do not know why I cannot put my image on the blog. Always saying ‘Unable to connet with ClamAV<br/>’.
Five ‘what if’ (3D ANIMATION)
What if a peaceful place/town can make people clam down?
What if a cyberpunk world?
What if a place/world of books?
What if a sandbox world?
What if a world with nothing?
After considering, I decide chose the peaceful place. In the first I wanted to choses the cyberpunk world, because I was playing the cyberpunk 2077 recently. I was very interested to the world with high-technology and other impressive staff.
But in the past year, had lots of bad things happened. Might because of that, I just want to watch some kinds of TV dramas, animations, comics and animates without out fight and complex intrigue. The other reason is that I watched the animation ‘soul’. This animation told people to enjoy life. There are many interesting details in the life, and those details constitute the spark in the life.
About this book
The theme of this book is simple. The content and details in this book will be simple.
The book have six paragraph. Each paragraph have a specific topic, and all of the topic include in one theme. The theme is about my view about my self. The view point is write on the page 3.
About ‘you are here’project
First I want to make a book with complex drawing and image. But a bad thing happened.
One of my important friend left me. I feel sad and sorry about what happened on this friend. So I decide to make a book can expression my felt during the time about I lost this friend, and the reflection about it.
I choose orange to be the theme color for this book, because this is my favorite color. If this book should about me, orange is perfect. Another theme about this book is ‘simple’. Why? The reason is the process about when I just lose the friend and I buck up from it. It like the river near my home, slowly, peace, and simple. In this event I can do nothing, just look at my friend left me. So the style for this book will be simple. So in the end, the video about this book is simple, just showed what this book look like.
The character design research
The theme of this project is about 7 deadly sins. I need to choose a sin to be my character’s them. Frist I try to drawing something to find out which sin I want to chose. But then I realized I need more second research to help me make this character. especially when I seen other students works.
Then I decide choose pride. And I made a mind map to consider what is this character might become. The cyberpunk 2077 is put on sale a few days ago. So I want to let the design of the project more cyber style.
The mind map The research on the Pinterest
The short story “Phone slap face”
This is a story might happened in many people. A man who still not sleep in mid night. He is lying on his bed and watching his smart phone. Then he feel sleepy. Because of the his hand do not hold the phone, so the phone slap on his face.