Why did I choose this theme?
The lost building or ruins are interesting type for buildings. As the subject for 3D modeling. It is good for a beginner like me. It is a popular subject. So, there would be lots of people have made the models about this already. That’s means I can find numerous of references to learn and study. Another reason I choose this subject is that I like this theme, I like old buildings. Ancient buildings, lost ruins, I like all of them. I also like some incomplete buildings as same as the Venus de Milo. Imaging the building when it still complete is interesting. Different people have different image for this building back when it was not incomplete.
But some kinds of building might have an important significance. We must remember some stories behind the buildings. Such as why it became a ruin, or the maker for this building might have some special story. This is another reason why I like this subject and choose it.
Research and Reference

I made a mood board on Pinterest. I will attach the link below. With more and more research. The feeling from the ruins is interesting. It is mystical and impressive. So, I choose the lost portal/archway.
Value environment art
Last week I finished the value environment art with color.

mood board and reference images https://pin.it/4VANZJW
Software: PureRef