The object which led my idea is the medical tools. I saw them is when I visited the Wellcome Collection exhibition. First time I saw them, I was scared. The Knifes and the Saws is very scared, I can not image them used for human body, but when I back to home, sort out the photos, they give me the idea for the outcome. I can make a animation about medical. It will be interesting. But still do not have the detail about the outcome. In an Friday, in the Adobe After Effects class I got the new idea to make the animation. Use the paper crate the character and the background, then put them to the After Effects. My physical collections are leaflets. So I chose this way to make my animation, I chose the leaflet to be the material for the background and characters. Then I draw the storyboard. And use the After Effects make the animation. It all start at the medical tools. With the new idea which used to make animation. I think I can make a interesting animation for the collection project. The animation is started to make. So it should finish before the deadline.