This out come I think is much better then the first outcome. The good thing is this animation is the first animation I made by myself, and it not a rotocoping. The successful part is the animation is a complete video.And it is my first time to made a video like this. And the story for me have a good start. Because for me, the story is have enough fun for the people which watching the video. And the research I think it is a complete research for the clocks gallery. Because I record the information of the whole gallery.
But there still have some thing can improve. Although I let the character can move in the animation, but the motion still not complete. So I still need to read some books and do some research about drawing animation. The other thing is that the color is not very good, so I still need to do more practice and reference.
One of the storyboard of the animation Some early sketch about the character The character design about Mummy in animation A image of the out come A image of the animation
Their are some image about my first sketch, research and storyboard.