Before my class began, I went to the British museum. It is on the Great Stamford Raffles street. That was my first time to visit this museum. When I seen the outside of the museum, I feel it is a huge and impressive building. Up the stairs and get in to the museum, it is lager than what I think.

Before I visit the museum, I just know it is one of the famous museum in the world. And have lots of famous cultural relic in the world. It is have, more than I think. It is a veritable storehouse of treasure and knowledge.My parents and I even did not visit all the showroom in that day. Fortunately, the British museum do not need ticket.
When I was visiting the museum. I visited the part of Egypt first. there is a stone named Rosetta Stone, which helped scholars and researcher to decode the meaning of the characters of the Egyptian Hieroglyphs. Not only the stone, all of the cultural can be use by research about the history of human. So when I visited all of this treasures, I think it is important to protect them without damage.

After the show room of the Egypt. We also meeting the showroom of Greece, India and other theme exhibition. All of the works are amazing and great. The treasures give us the knowledge of the human history. It is important for us.
I think it is important to visit exhibitions. Just stay in home and search on the internet is different of getting out and visit exhibitions. The information from internet might be fake and that is not you own idea. Visit exhibitions can help us to think our own idea, learning something or feel something for our own. And see the exhibits in real life can have some feeling which is different for the intrenet.